How do you bill for your services?

Fees for tax preparation will be at our standard rates based on the time spent and the complexity of the tax return.  Payment for tax preparation services are due when rendered.  Billing for other services will be done monthly.  All conventional forms of payment are accepted including credit cards.  

What hours are you available?

Our normal business hours are 9:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Monday thru Thursday and 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Friday.  The office is closed on Saturday and Sunday.                                                                              Extended hours available by appointment and during tax season. 

What role do you play if the IRS audits me?

We are available to represent you before the IRS should the need arise.  Standard hourly rates will apply.

How much and what kind of preparation do you need for my return?

We will supply individual tax clients with a tax organizer. If our business prepared your prior year tax return your organizer will be mailed to you at the end of the year.  We strongly advise that you complete at least the questionnaire portion of the organizer.  If you are a new client, we can provide you with a blank organizer upon request.  We request that you bring in a copy of at least the prior year's tax return.  For secuirty purposes you will need to provide a copy of the taxpayer (and spouse) driver's license(s) or state ID(s).  We prefer that your business accounting data be delivered to us in an electronic data format, but we have taken materials in almost every imaginable form. Contact us with questions about specific software packages.


Tate & Oellrich, Inc, PS

425 Rainier Blvd North, Suite 2
Issaquah, WA 98027

Tel: 425.392.5650

Fax: 425 392 2859


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